Chakraborty Group
Chakraborty Group
Chakraborty Group

Control Panel Boards

Chakraborty Group has established itself as one of the leading manufacturers, suppliers and exporters of Electronic Control Panel Boards. These are used in the areas where monitoring and complete control over all the activities is required such as large scale factories and production lines. Control Panel Boards we offer also find their use in places like ships, aircraft, nuclear power plants and mainframe computers. For meeting diverse requirements of clients, we are offering control panels of analog as well as latest version. In the analog control panel boards, push buttons & analog instruments are equipped, whereas the contemporary versions come in the market with touch screen control option. The main purpose of using our electric switchboard is to have direct passage of electricity from one or more sources to various smaller regions of usage. Electronic Control Panel Boards bind one or more panel assembly to each other via switches so as to allow electricity to be redirected.

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